
Introduction to Corridor Crawler Outpainting & Use Cases

Matt Payne
August 2, 2023

corridor generation

Corridor Crawler Outpainting is an innovative extension designed for the automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui. It is a powerful tool that allows users to generate and animate hallways using the Stable Diffusion model. The primary purpose of this extension is to create intricate and detailed outpaintings of corridors, making it an excellent tool for artists, game developers, and anyone interested in digital art.

The Corridor Crawler Outpainting is designed to work with the depth-to-image model at a resolution of 512. However, it is flexible and can be tweaked to work with other models as well. The depth-to-image model, also known as the Stable Diffusion model, plays a crucial role in the process. Stable Diffusion is a powerful model that uses a unique approach to generate images. It uses a diffusion process to gradually transform a random noise into a coherent image. This model is the backbone of the Corridor Crawler Outpainting, enabling it to generate detailed and realistic images. Here’s a link to the repo: https://github.com/brick2face/corridor-crawler-outpainting/tree/main

Understanding the Examples

The README file of the Corridor Crawler Outpainting provides several examples that demonstrate the capabilities of this extension. These examples include images and animations of hallways generated using different parameters. One of the examples is a smooth animation of a fantasy dungeon hallway. The parameters used in this example include a positive prompt that describes the desired features of the image, such as intricate engraved smoothed stone walls, brightly-lit, vivid colors, glowing lights, and a fancy carpet. The negative prompt includes features that should be avoided, such as darkness, red, black, shadow, grey, blurry, watermark, and signature. The sampling steps, CFG scale, and denoising strength are also specified.

corridor generation

Another example is an image and animation of an art museum hallway. The positive prompt includes features like masterpiece art, wall paintings, colorful, award-winning photography, beautiful lighting, and detailed. The negative prompt includes blurry, dark, watermark, and signature. The same parameters for sampling steps, CFG scale, and denoising strength are used.

corridor generation gif of multiple steps

Installation & User Guide

Installing the Corridor Crawler Outpainting is a straightforward process. There are two options available for installation.

Option #1: The first option is to run automatic1111, install "Corridor Crawler Outpainting" from the Extensions tab, and then reset the UI. This is the easiest and most convenient way to install the extension. It involves running the automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui, navigating to the Extensions tab, and selecting the Corridor Crawler Outpainting for installation. Once the installation is complete, you need to reset the UI to ensure that the extension is properly integrated.

Option #2: The second option is to clone the Corridor Crawler Outpainting repository into the automatic1111 "extensions" folder. This method is a bit more technical and requires some familiarity with Git and GitHub. However, it provides more control over the installation process and allows you to keep track of the latest updates and changes in the repository.

User Guide

Once the Corridor Crawler Outpainting is installed, you can start using it to generate and animate hallways. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use this extension:

1. Run automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui: The first step is to run the automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui. This is the main application that the Corridor Crawler Outpainting extends.

2. Select the model: After running the automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui, you need to select the model you want to use. The recommended model for the Corridor Crawler Outpainting is the 512-depth-ema.ckpt. This model is designed to work well with the extension and produce high-quality images.

3. Go to "img2img" then select the tab "Inpaint upload": Next, navigate to the "img2img" tab and select the "Inpaint upload" sub-tab. This is where you will upload the images you want to transform.

4. Select the mask image: For the mask image, you should select "default-mask.png" from the Corridor Crawler Outpainting repository. This mask image is designed to work well with the extension. The other image can be your choice.

5. Select "Corridor Crawler Outpainting" from the Scripts dropdown menu: Finally, select the "Corridor Crawler Outpainting" from the Scripts dropdown menu. This will activate the extension and allow you to start generating and animating hallways.

6. Configure your chosen prefab image and other settings: After selecting the script, you can configure your chosen prefab image and other settings according to your preferences. This includes specifying the positive and negative prompts, the sampling steps, the CFG scale, and the denoising strength.

Understanding the Python Script

The Corridor Crawler Outpainting extension is powered by a Python script named corridor-crawler-outpainting.py. This script is responsible for the core functionality of the extension, including image processing, animation generation, and UI management. The script is structured as a class named Script, which inherits from the scripts.Script class. This class contains several methods that define the behavior of the extension. The title method returns the title of the script, which is displayed in the dropdown menu of the automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui. The show method determines when the script should be shown in the dropdown menu. It returns a boolean value that indicates whether the current tab is img2img. The ui method defines the user interface of the script. It uses the Gradio library to create various UI components, such as sliders, checkboxes, and text boxes. These components allow users to configure the settings of the extension. The run method is where the main processing happens. It takes several parameters, including the model object and the values returned by the ui method. It uses these parameters to generate new images and animations. The method includes several helper functions, such as newStep and animation, which are used to generate new steps and animations, respectively. Understanding this script can provide valuable insights into the inner workings of the Corridor Crawler Outpainting. It can help users to better understand how the extension generates and animates hallways, and how they can tweak the settings to achieve their desired results.

The Stable Diffusion Model & Use Cases

The Stable Diffusion model is a key component of the Corridor Crawler Outpainting. It is a type of generative model that uses a diffusion process to transform a random noise into a coherent image. The model starts with a random noise and gradually refines it over several steps, each time making the image more similar to the target image. This process is guided by a learned neural network that predicts the next step in the diffusion process. In the context of the Corridor Crawler Outpainting, the Stable Diffusion model is used to generate the hallways. The model takes the input image and the mask image, and uses them to generate a new image that extends the hallway. This process is repeated several times to create a long, winding hallway.

Applications and Use Cases

The Corridor Crawler Outpainting, with its ability to generate and animate intricate hallways, has a wide range of potential applications across various fields. Let's delve deeper into some specific scenarios:

1. Digital Art: Artists can use this tool to create detailed and realistic images of hallways, corridors, or any enclosed passageways. The tool allows artists to specify certain features they want in the image, such as lighting, colors, and textures, giving them a high degree of control over the final output. This can be particularly useful for concept artists working on environment design, as it allows them to quickly generate a variety of designs for review and refinement.

2. Game Development: In the realm of game development, the Corridor Crawler Outpainting can be a valuable asset for level designers. It can be used to generate unique and varied hallway designs for games, particularly in genres like dungeon crawlers or horror games where intricate and atmospheric environments play a crucial role. The generated images can serve as a base that designers can further build upon, adding elements like traps, enemies, or loot. Check out the work done at Dungeon Crawlers.

dungeon crawler atlas generator

3. Architecture and Interior Design: Architects and interior designers can use this tool to visualize different designs for hallways and corridors. By adjusting the parameters, they can experiment with different lighting conditions, wall textures, and color schemes. This can help them to quickly iterate on their designs and make decisions about aesthetics and functionality.

4. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality: In the burgeoning field of VR and AR, the Corridor Crawler Outpainting can be used to create immersive environments for users to explore. The tool's ability to generate detailed and realistic images can contribute to creating a convincing virtual world. This can be particularly useful in applications like virtual tours of buildings or historical sites, VR games, or training simulations.

5. Film and Animation: For filmmakers and animators, this tool can be used to create detailed backdrops or environments. The generated hallways can be used in scenes requiring intricate indoor settings. This can save significant time and resources in set design and production.

These are just a few examples of how the Corridor Crawler Outpainting can be applied. Its versatility and ease of use make it a valuable tool for anyone involved in creating digital environments.

Troubleshooting and Common Issues

While using the Corridor Crawler Outpainting, users might encounter some issues. One common issue is that the generated images might not look as expected. This can be due to several reasons, such as incorrect settings or issues with the input images. Users should ensure that they have correctly configured the settings and that the input images are of good quality. If the issue persists, users can try using different models or tweaking the parameters of the Stable Diffusion model. Another common issue is that the extension might not appear in the dropdown menu of the automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui. This can happen if the extension was not properly installed. Users should ensure that they have correctly installed the extension and that they have reset the UI after installation. If the issue persists, users can try reinstalling the extension or checking for updates.

Want to develop your own outpainting model?

Let’s talk about how we can help you fine-tune your own outpainting model for a number of use cases. We’ve used pipelines like this to help customers build their own outpainting pipelines for use cases such as game development and ecommerce product generation. Contact us today to learn more!